Data Downloads
UTGB/Medaka Genome Browser
Raw Reads
Raw reads
Supporting Online Tables
Supporting Online Tables for Chromatin-associated periodicity in genetic variation downstream of transcriptional start sites
Supporting Data
"Chromatin-associated periodicity in genetic variation downstream of transcriptional start sites" (Science 2009)
- fig1B_fracXY.fasta
- fig1B_X.fasta
- fig1B_Y.fasta
- figS1_tss.embryo.25bp.all.vmf
VMF format file generated by ELAND. (25bp 5'-end tags were mapped to Hd-rR version1.0.)
- figS1_tss.embryo.25bp.fasta
All 25bp 5'-end tags.
0 tag in 1-day-embryos,
1 tag in 2-day-embryos,
1 tag in 3-day-embryos,
0 tag in 5-day-embryos,
0 tag in 10-day-embryos,
0 tag in 14-day-embryos,
0 tag in 2-day-embyos (8cycle, FigS2).
- figS3A_tss.txt
Columns indicate scaffold name, cluster start, cluster end, representative start position, strand, total of expression tags in this cluster, and number of tags at the representative start position.
- figS3B_tss.txt
TSS clusters with >=100 tags.
- figS3C_tss.txt
TSS clusters with >=50 tags.
- nucleosome.blastula.25bp.all.vmf
VMF format file generated by ELAND. (25bp nucleosome tags were mapped to Hd-rR version1.0.)
- nucleosome.blastula.25bp.fasta
All 25bp nucleosome tags. "TCCTGAAACAACCAAAACCGAGGTC_1" means read frequency is 1.
"Reconstruction of the vertebrate ancestral genome reveals dynamic genome reorganization in early vertebrates" (Genome Res. 2007)
- CvlBlockIDs_humanChromosomeName_and_memberGeneIDs(Ensembl-v35).txt
- genesInCvlBlocks_and_theirOhnologGenes(Ensembl-v35).txt
UTGB/Medaka Track Data
The following files, except for genetic marker information, are compressed with gzip
The raw sequences of 5' SAGE (5'-end serial analysis of gene expression) tags in multi-FASTA format.
See also 5'SAGE Track Information
- SAGE5Prime.fasta.gz
- mappedSAGE_ver0.9.gff.gz
- mappedSAGE_ver1.0.gff.gz
The assembly sequence of medaka genome. All files are in multi-FASTA format
- medakaAssembly_version0.9.fasta.gz
- medakaAssembly_version1.0.fasta.gz
- medakaAssembly_version0.9.fasta.masked (repeat masked sequences)
- medakaAssembly_version1.0.fasta.masked (repeat masked sequences)
- medakaAssembly_version1.0.qual.fasta (Quality Values of the assembly. One integer for each nucleotide.)
- medakaAssembly_version1.0.coverage.fasta (Read coverage of the assembly. One integer for each nucleotide.)
The newly identified repetitive sequences. The file is in FASTA format
The raw BAC end sequences are in multifasta format.
See also BAC end Track Information
- version1.0.bac_end.fasta.gz
Sequence data is available in the multi-FASTA format
See also Medaka Transcript Track Information
- Cab_Gastrula_fasta.txt.gz
- Cab_Neurula_fasta.txt.gz
- Cab_organogenesis_fasta.txt.gz
- Cab_ovary_fasta.txt.gz
- Cab_stage18-36_fasta.txt.gz
- MF01ALA_fasta.txt.gz: Hd-rR Adult liver (female & male)
- MF01ASD_fasta.txt.gz: Hd-rR, adult female whole body
- MF01FFA_fasta.txt.gz: Hd-rR whole embryo at stage 40
- MF01SSA_fasta.txt.gz: Hd-rR whole embryo at stage 20
- MF01SSB_fasta.txt.gz: Hd-rR whole embryo at stage 20
- MF015DA_fasta.txt.gz: Hd-rR whole embryo at stage 35
- OL30VN_fasta.txt.gz: Orange Red, anterior head of stage 30-31 embryo
- OLa_fasta.txt.gz: HNI, male and female adult whole body
- OLb_fasta.txt.gz: HNI, cultured medaka cell derived from caudal fin of adult male
- OLc_fasta.txt.gz: HNI, cultured medaka cell derived from caudal fin of adult male (with 20J/m2 UV +- PR)
- OLd_fasta.txt.gz: HNI, ovary
- OLe_fasta.txt.gz: HNI, liver (female & male)
- OLf_fasta.txt.gz: HNI, cultured medaka cell derived from caudal fin of adult male (with gamma-irradiation)
- SNK01_fasta.txt.gz: Wild population from Okayama Pref. (Southern part of Japan), eye.
- br_fasta.txt.gz: HNI Brain (female & male)
- olrf_fasta.txt.gz: Cab regenerating fin 3dpa or 10dpa
The raw fosmid end sequences are in multi-FASTA format.
See also Fosmid end Track Information
- version1.0.fosmid_end.fasta.gz
The genes that are predicted by Medaka Genome Project.
See also Predicted gene Track Information
- predictedgenever0.9.egtc.gz: EasyGeneTrack* file for medaka ver0.9
- predictedgenever0.9.fasta.gz: muli-FASTA format file medaka ver0.9
- predictedgenever1.0.egtc.gz: EasyGeneTrack* file for medaka ver1.0
- predictedgenever1.0.fasta.gz: muli-FASTA format file for medaka ver1.0
*The EasyGeneTrack is a format used for drawing UTgenome browser tracks.
PCR primers, aneal temperature and restiriction enzemes informations (only in the case of RFLP marker) are shown in the tables (Excel 97-2003 format).
See also Genetic Marker Track Information
- Mbase_Markersl.xls: This file is an alias of Mbase data.
- Microsatelite_markers.xls: This file is an alias of the supplementary table 1 in Kimura et. al, Gene 363 24-31 (2005), Copyright Elsevier.
- SNPs_markers(TUN_series).xls: The list of SNPs_markers which are mapped using MassArray system.
- SSLP&RFLP_markers.xls: The list of SSLP and RFLP markers that are mapped using conventional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
- medaka-SN-KaKs_human-chimp-KaKs used in main paper.tsv
- medaka-SN-KaKs_over300bp-GO_Evalue10_Cover0(1).3_4775_median_1666GOcategories.tsv
- medaka-SN-KaKs_over300bp-GO_Evalue10_Cover0(1).3_4775_members_1666GOcategories.tsv
- ver0(1).9.medaka.KaKs.tsv
Alignment between Hd-rR and HNI. Polymorphic informations including SNPs are here
See also HNI alignment Track Information and file information
- HdrR_v0.9_HNI_v1.0.polymorphisms.xml.gz
- HdrR_v1.0-HNI_v1.0.axt.tar.gz
- HdrR_v1.0_HNI_v1.0.polymorphisms.xml.gz